How To Play

As previously mentioned, this server is a Survival Mode server with a 1:750 scaled map of the Earth, allowing people to build nations similar to the ones in the real world. Also mentioned, we strongly recommend you join our Discord Server by clicking here.


So, how does making a nation work, you may ask? Towns, claims nations, alliances, and enemies are all laid out in one plugin.


Towny is a plugin that allows players to create Towns, which are a series of claimed chunks (series of 16x16 blocks designated by Minecraft) owned by one or more person, where outsiders are by default unable to build, destroy, or open chests. Each Town has a Mayor who has access to all commands and chunks, and the Mayor can set chunk permissions with /plot perm add (player) once you have a town.

To create a town, you'll need 48 Gold Ingots, achieved either by mining Gold or earning it via a Job, which can be joined with /jobs join. Once you do that, head over to the chunk you wish to claim, and do /t new townname, replacing "townname" with the name of your town. To claim land, put Gold in your town's bank with /t deposit x, with x being the amount of Gold, then doing /t claim. It costs 16 Gold to claim each chunk. The command /townymenu will also provide you with a variety of tools, and you can invite people with /t add.

As mayor of a town, you can also do /n new to create a nation. The mayor of the capital is the nation leader, and you can add other towns with /n add. You can do /n ally add or /n enemy add to set allies and rivals.

We also have plugins such as MCMMO, but for the most part this server is the Minecraft you know and love.