TerrestrialMC Rules

By playing on our server, you agree to all these rules. Failure to comply will result in punishments and potentially a permanent ban from playing. But using common sense will mean you'll be okay.


Official Rules

1. Hacked Clients are forbidden, along with using X-Rays, or any other methods of cheating. Client-side mods that don't provide an unfair advantage such as Xaero's Minimap (Fair Play), Apple Skin, Optifine are allowed and encouraged.

2. Spamming in any chat, griefing, or other annoying behavior is forbidden. Stealing items for their value is allowed, but griefing for destruction is not allowed. Additionally, lag machines, are forbidden. Railway systems/public roads are, however, not allowed to be griefed.

3. Do not take advantage of any exploit. However, if you message the staff or make a ticket explaining the exploit once you find it, you will not be punished. It's important that we learn of any exploits as soon as possible so they can be patched.

4. Do not "claimblock" players claims of lands. Claimblocking with be taken situation by situation. Generally, claiming within 3 chunks of another town without their approval is forbidden. Additionally, unnatural borders such as claiming the whole coast of an area is not allowed. Claimblocking will be taken case by case.

5. Slurs or derogatory terms towards any player is not allowed.

6. NSFW and NSFL is forbidden. For players unsure if an image qualifies as NSFW, ask yourself if you would show it in a classroom and not get in trouble. This applies to /maptool.

7. We wish to keep a friendly environment. Therefore, town camping, targeted harassment, and targeted racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic attacks will not be allowed. Slurs or derogatory terms towards any player are also forbidden. Impersonating players, towns, or nations is not allowed. Be respectful to all players, please

8. Rules are subject to change at any moment, and we reserve the right to take any action deemed necessary to upkeep the quality of TerrestrialMC. Simple common sense means you will never run into any trouble.